Freitag, 3. April 2009

Turkey in European Union?

Turkey joining the European Union

For many years european gouverments have been talking about the problem with Turkey and their requests. Turkey is a huge nation, which is divided up along the asian-european frontline.
Everbody knwo that we will get many advantages, but also many disadvantages by Turkey joining the EU.
In my following pleading I will discuss these problems.

Turkey has population of 70 mio. We will be a stronger and bigger community if they join the EU.
The superpowers would respect this coalition as an equal force.
Another argument for the accedence is the economy. Europe needs Turkey as a economic partner just because of the commercial crisis. A new relationship like that would consolidate the global economy. How is that? Please explain in more detail.

To begin with, what speaks against the accedence is that Turkey's culture has many differents from the european nations.
Turkey has 99.8% muslims which is too different from christian-based Europe. A argument to add is that the immigration rate will increase in middle europe and that goes hand in hand with the crime rate. Especially germany will be affected by this consequence. My last argument is the diffrent governmental process of working . These laws can't work togehter, because Turkey still belives in death penalty.

Finally I think the deparment of Turkey is an equitable poltical decision.

I don't understand your last phrase. I sense a lot of prejudices here! Still, it's an important topic and sooner or later Europe will have to give Turkey a definite answer.

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