Freitag, 3. April 2009

Religion Class at School

Many students don’t like to have religion class at school. They say that they don’t believe in god or in any other thing, so they don’t want to have to go to the lessons.
Because of this, the school parliament discusses to displace religion class from the timetable.
At one of these proceedings a pastor was invited to say his opinion to this heavy topic.
His arguments were that so many students don’t have the chance or don’t want to learn something about religion out of religion class in school and that it’s important to know a little bit about their own religion.
I also think that that religion is a important part in our life and that everybody should know something about their own religion and about the other religions. In my opinion, their should be an ethic class and no religion class.
It’s clear, that we can’t force the students into religion class, but to displace it, is the wrong solution.

by Bastian, 11c

Interesting topic, Bastian! Try to incorporate these words: to believe in, faith, religious education, to argue

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