Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

American Civil War

There were 11 states which were part of the Confederate States of America: Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North-, South Carolina, Louisiana, Virginam and Tennessee.
The general of the Confederate army was Joseph Eagelston Johnsten (3. Feb. 1807-21. March 1891).
The general of the Union army was Georg B. McClellan.
Abraham Lincoln said in Gettysburg more than he knew ----> birth of freedom!


The strength of the Union army was greater than the Confederate army with the former having 90000 soldiers while the latter contained about 75000 troops. The meeting point for the two armies was Gettysburg, which was in Pennsylvania and the meeting took place in the year 1863 on the 1st of July.
This was the battle with the largest number of casualties in the American Civil War.

Lincolns' speech
The speech was about the american foreigners who founded the great nation America.
So he said a fight between north and south is a huge mistake.
Some quotes:
''Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all human beings are created equal''

by Lui Hadgu

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