Montag, 20. Oktober 2008

Preparing for Your Class Text - 11c

Our first class test will be about the American South. You will be given a text that you have to read and understand. The text will be annotated, i.e. I will give explanations for difficult words.   
You will have to work on the following parts:
I Comprehension:
Comprehension is another word for 'understanding'. You will get two questions. In answering these questions you show that you understand the text. There will be 2 - 3 comprehension questions.
II Comment:
I will give you a choice of two topics that are related to the text, but will give you a chance to expand on the issue. For example: "Do you think slavery still exists today? Give examples and show ways to end slavery."
III Grammar: Exercises the way we did them in class.

This is what the test will be about:

 The South

 – Hurricane Ike/Katrina, geographical facts, Slavery, Civil War

To prepare watch the video clips again, read the hand-outs, read the blog, read the 11b blog, go back to the website on Civil War that we worked on.

Make sure you can explain what the Triangle Trade was, why the South 'needed' slaves, why Gettysburg is important, and what happened in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.


for and since

past progressive – simple Past

countable/uncountable nouns

To prepare, study the hand-outs you received. 


surge, levee, to evacuate, plight, deploy, emergency supplies, launch, domestic/foreign, sustainable, spend/donate/give, mansion column, colonial style, plantation, to lynch, cargo, port, to enslave, Middle Passage, molasses, manufactured goods

I will not ask vocabulary questions in this test - these are just for you!

Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2008

The Origin of the Confederate States of America

In February 1861 seven
south - southern
cotton states , South Carolina,
Missipi - well, isn't that word a little longer? 4 is, 4 ps, 
Florida, Alabama, Lousiana, Georgia and Texas,
disassociated - better still: segregated  or secededtheirselves themselves
from the Union.These seven states formed the Confederate States of America after the attack on Fort Sumter.
and Jefferson Davis was their first president
. - this should be a phrase of its own.

The bombardment and capitulation on Fort Sumter actually was the reason for the American Civil War. Afterwards President Lincoln called for an volunteer army from each state.Thereupon four more states , Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennesse, declared their seperation within two months. That's how the Confederate States
originated - better: were founded or came into being.

by Tim R.

The deadliest war in american history

The American Civil War was a war between the states of
america - its America - always CAPITALIZE countries, languages, proper names
 from 1861 until 1865.  - You need a full sentence here: The war lasted from....

The U.S. federal government (The "Union") was led by Abraham Lincoln, who lived from 1809 until 1865, when he was shot during the Civil War. He was an opponent of slavery in the United States
and before becoming the first republican president of the United States, he was a lawyer. - again here: start a new sentence (There needs to be a commar separating sub clause and main clause!!)

The "enemies" were the eleven southern slave states, which formed the Confederate States of America and were led by Jefferson Davis. The war began April 1861, when forces from the South attacked a U.S. military installation. Then, both sides built armies to fight
against the others. - better: each other

 September 1862 Abraham Lincoln held a
speach, - tapo: speech

 which was called the Emancipation Proclamation and made clear that ending slavery in the south was his goal of this war. The Civil War of America is also called the deadliest war in american - again: America
history because over 620,000 soldies died. It ended April 1865
as - it needs to be when here
 the resistance of the southern states finally broke.

Freitag, 17. Oktober 2008

The great American Civil War

In the American Civil War(1861-1865) the Union states of America, as known as the Union, fought against the Confederate states of America. About 3 million people fought in the civil war and over 600000 people died in the war. In the Civil War there were many big and bloody battles for example the battle of Antietam. And there were also some important speeches for example from Abraham Lincoln. He honoured the fallen Soldiers of the big battle at Gettysburg.

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2008

Reasons for the Civil War

The Civil War was fought between the Union and the Confederated States of America. The last named seperated from the Union after Lincoln's election for president.They are located in the south-east of North America and reach from México to Virginia. and were full of plantages run by slaves. While in the North slavery was not needed due to the rapidly growing and expanding industrie, the South did not want to abolish the use and sell of slaves of which they made their money. So this and other disagreements heatened and tighten the relationsship between the North and the South until it reached its peak at the bombardment of Fort Sumter, which triggered the Civil War.

The American Civil War

The Civil War was a fight between the Union which was led by George Brinton McClellan, and the Confederate States of America, which were led by Joseph E. Johnston. More than 3 million Americans fought and 2 percent died in it from 1861 to 1865.

This war was the most important event in the life of the nation. It was the watershed of a new political and economic order and it saw the end of slavery and the downfall of a southern planter aristocracy.

What began as a dispute over Union and States' Rights, ended as a struggle over the meaning of freedom in America. At Gettysburg in 1863, Abraham Lincoln made an important speech to honour the fallen soldiers from the fight at Gettysburg.

Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

Dawn of War

The american civil war start in 1861 end ended in 1865. In this 4 years died more than 600.000 people.

Answers no. 1: The states, which fought for the confederation were Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Mississipi, Alabama, Tennessee, Southand North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington.

The General of the Confederate Army was Joseph E. Johnston. He was born in 1807 and died after the war in 1870.

His enemy, the General of the Union Army, was George Brinton McClellan, which was born in 1826 and died in 1885.

The battle of Antietam was the bloodiest single day of war.

The battle of Gettysburg was the most important battle if the american civil war.

The speach of Abraham Lincoln in Gettysburg was on November the 19th 1863.

It´s to honor the dead and the living soldiers of the war.

Three quotes of this spech are: ,,This war costs too many lives"
,,It should never be forget"
,,It should be ended very fast"

Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2008

The American Civil War

The states which were part of the Confederate States of America were: Missisippi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana and Texas.
The General of the C.S. was Robert E.Lee (1807-1870) and the General of the Union Army was U.S. Grant(1822-1885).The Civil War was fought in 10,000 places, from Valverde, New Mexico, and Tullahoma, Tennessee, to St. Albans, Vermont, and Fernandina on the Florida coast.
In 1862 was the battle of Antietam, it was the bloodiest battle in the civil war.
A important thing was the speech of Abraham Lincoln in 1863 one year after the battle of Anthietam.It was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg,Pennsylvania .

Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

The Civil War

The Civil war, which was between different states of the United States, lasted 4 years. The Belligerents were the Union ( United States of America) and the Confederacy( Confederate States of America). In the civil war there were a lot of battles, but there was one which was particularly cruel: the battle of Antietam. This was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history with about 23000 casualties. Another important thing was the famous speech of Abraham Lincoln at November 19 1863. He gave this speech in front of the new cemetery for the fallen soldiers from the Battle of Gettysburg.

By David Schillings

American Civil War

There were 11 states which were part of the Confederate States of America: Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North-, South Carolina, Louisiana, Virginam and Tennessee.
The general of the Confederate army was Joseph Eagelston Johnsten (3. Feb. 1807-21. March 1891).
The general of the Union army was Georg B. McClellan.
Abraham Lincoln said in Gettysburg more than he knew ----> birth of freedom!


The strength of the Union army was greater than the Confederate army with the former having 90000 soldiers while the latter contained about 75000 troops. The meeting point for the two armies was Gettysburg, which was in Pennsylvania and the meeting took place in the year 1863 on the 1st of July.
This was the battle with the largest number of casualties in the American Civil War.

Lincolns' speech
The speech was about the american foreigners who founded the great nation America.
So he said a fight between north and south is a huge mistake.
Some quotes:
''Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all human beings are created equal''

by Lui Hadgu

Freitag, 10. Oktober 2008

Assassines Creed

This is John Wilkes Booth. He´s Americas most famous assassine. He´s the man, who shooting Abraham Lincoln in 1865. He was a actor and a Southern sympathizer. After his act he was shoot down, and died days later. As he assassinated Lincoln he screamed: "Sic semper tyrannis". He ended the life of one of the most importanr American Politicans.

Part of the confederated side States were Texas, Tennesee, Arkansas, Mississipi, Alabama, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana.The general of the Confederated Army, was Robert E. Lee. He was born in January 1807 and he died in Oktober1870. The General of the Union Army was George Brington Mc Clellan. He was born in 1826 and died in 1885.The battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day of the Civil War.The war of Gattysburg was the most important battle of the Civil War.At November 19th 1863 Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address.This speech is about, that many brave solidiers died, and that the Civil War have to be ended very fast.Three quotes are that the War cost many lives, that he should be ended very fast and that this should never be forgotten.

The American Civil War

The American Civil War was fought by 3 million people from 1861-1865 and over 2percent of the population(600,000men)died in it.The Confederate States of America under general Joseph Hooker(including:South Carolina,Mississippi,Florida,Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana and Texas) fought against the Union Army under general Robert E. Lee. The war was fought in 10000 places from New Mexico to Tennessee and down to the coast of Florida.The bloodiest single day of the war the battle of Anitietam where about 23000 people died on both sides.That's the double number of casualties of D-Day 82 years later.In 1963 at November 19.Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address,that famous speech is about the victims of the civil war,the rebirth of the american liberty and the reunion of the nation.I think the most important quote in this speech is."The world will little note,nor long remember what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here".Just days after winning the nation's bloodiest war he was gunned down by an assassin.He was the tragic figure in the war between the states.

Kai Nohe

The Cohesion Of The United States of America

There were two partys in the war - North against South.
The South was called the Confederate States of America. The army was led under Robert E. Lee who died in 1870.

In the Civil War died more than 600.000 people. This was 2% of the american population at this time.

The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the war and Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address.
He said that there is a new beginning of the nation in liberty and that the war was to save the Union, and the cohesion of the United States of America - North and South.

The Brothers’ War

The Civil War was one of the worsest happenings of the United States although it was the beginning for more equality of people and rights for slaves.
One of its many names is 'the Brothers’ War'.
It describes the best that in the Civil War men fought against each other who live in the same country, maby even know each other.

Eleven southern states wich were affectedd of slave trade declared their seperation from the US and become the Confederate States of America.
The States were Texas, Arkansas, LA., Mississppi, Alabama, Tennesee, Georgia, Florida, South- and North- Carolina and Virginia.

The Confederate Army was adduced by the General Robert E. Lee (
1807-1870), The Union Army by General Hiram Ulysses Grant (1822-1885), later known as 'U.S. Grant'. The U. S. stands for 'Unconditional Surrender' which should describe his personality: He never capitulate.

The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam, also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg, was on September 17, 1862 was the bloodiest battle fought on a single day, with about 23,000 wastages.

The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg is with 44.000 diabled and 5.500 casualties also one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. It is a deciding watershed. With the defeat of the Confederate Army under General E. Lee´s leadership the last offensive of the Confederates ends.

The Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address -one the most important speeches in the history of the United States- is about the Decleration of Independence, thus about liberty and about
equality: 'Fourscore and seven years ago our fsthers brought forth on this continetnt a new nation, concieved in leberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal'
Abraham Lincoln bring that the men who fought for these facts shopuld not have died for nothing: '...that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom...'

By Michele Blago

The American Civil War

Texas, Arkensas, Mississippi, Tennesee, Alabama, Virginia, N.&S. Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana were part of the Confederate States of America.
Two important people of the Civil War were Joseph Johnston ( February 3, 1807- March 21, 1891) and Robert E. Lee (January 19, 1807-October 12, 1870).
In 1862 was the battle of Antietam which became historicle meaning because of the victory of the union troupes. The result of the victory was the freedom of the slaveries.
One year after the battle of Antietam, Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address.It was about "a new birth of freedom", to create a unified nation in which States rights were no longer dominant and that the government of the people , by the people, for the people shall not pass away from the earth.

By Coleen and Denise

Researching the AmericanCivil War

Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tenesse, Alabama., North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Gerorgia and Louisiana all were part of the Confederate States of America.
The general of the Confederate Army was Joseph Johnstone. He was born on february,3, 1807 and died on march, 21, 1891. The general of the Union Army was Robert E. Lee, he was born on january, 19, 1807 and died on octobre, 12, 1870.The historical significance is that Abraham Lincoln can present his declaration of emancipation about the liberation of the slavery to all other states.
Abraham Lincoln gave his speech in Gettysburg in 1863. He just offered 269 words and speaked only two and a half minutes. The speech was on november, 19th. It is about a "few appropricate remarks". One quote is that four score and seven years ago our fore fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equil.
By Silke and Judith